Contacting Us

Waldings just love to get mail! Unfortunately, we're having a lot of trouble lately with the Spamming clan, who are so rude they send us mail even when we've told them (repeatedly) that we don't want it. We get about 100 messages from them every hour, most of them addressed to people who don't even live here. So if you need to write to any of us, please use our names and just add Spammings are too dumb to figure that out!

We're also getting so much mail that some of the Waldings will be changing their names to avoid it. Stewart has also decided to sort all mail into three piles. People he knows go into the first pile. People who know the secret priority code (it's "fox") go into the second pile. We read those piles quickly. All the other mail goes into a big pile that someone may look through from time to time.
(Thanks to

Who's Who in Esmerel

Here's a list of the people you can write to in Esmerel. Just add after the name, and use the secret priority code "fox" in the subject line:

Many other Waldings drop in on Esmerel from time to time but are usually travelling. To get in touch with any of them, write to stewart and he'll pass your message on.


"We make films!" Esmerel in Motion pictures - our foray into films. Contact us with your ideas by writing to inmotion @


"Enjoy the journey." Ann is the author of two fantasy books, Firedrake and Brondings' Honour. She works as a technical writer and now as a film script writer and executive producer. You can visit her at Ann's wagon.


"I'd like to see that!" Gavin Walding is a great traveller, who visits interesting places all over the world and returns with stories to tell. Check out his adventures in mystical Britain.


"Doesn't anyone check their numbers any more?" The Mathemagician and his hard-working young apprentice wander all over Esmerel, exploring the possibilities and making sure things add up. Check out their fascinating numeracy pages.


"Why don't restaurants offer a choice? Why can't one of us drink Coke and the other one drink Pepsi?" Mel and Mel do our restaurant reviews. While it's been a while since we've heard from them, they've promised us some new reviews soon.


"Remember other drivers are people too." Like Gavin, Rhodes is a great traveller, though he is more concerned with travelling than with arriving. He and his fiery assistant, Lane, maintain a driving page where they try to improve behavior on the road.


"It's possible to write bug-free code." Rob is an independent contractor, specializing in embedded programming for data communications. He designed the Unicorn Quest program and did most of the programming. Rob maintains the set of programming pages at Esmerel. You can visit him at Rob's wagon.


"May the Singer guide you, and the Swordsman watch your back." Ruri is a great friend of Grannus, king of the Waldings. Talk to him if you want to know more about Esmerel.


"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." Rusty Walding sometimes acts as a guide to Esmerel. He can often be found wandering near the wagons where the games are being played. He likes to make sure that everything is fair. It is usually a good idea to listen to Rusty's advice.


"I have to do everything around here!" Stewart generally runs things around Esmerel. He keeps us all organized, tries to greet everyone when they arrive, and occasionally updates some of these pages.


"Happy hunting." Thelion is a legendary hunter and tracker, and the only man in Esmerel who has actually seen a live unicorn. While he is in camp, he helps us distribute Unicorn Quest, the kids' typing tutor game for one or two hands. Visit Thelion's shop for more information about it. If you need help with Unicorn Quest, please check out our tips page first. If you still need help, write to thelion (please put "Unicorn Quest" in the subject line).


The toolsmith has a number of DOS tools available for download. Check out the toolshop.

- Go back to the front gate.
- Visit the theatre and read our stories.
- Drop by Thelion's wagon.