(2010-06-20) WRITE.PL - Write lines to a text file
This script will open a file to write one or more lines to it. It can
either create a new file, or append to an existing file.
The first parameter is the file name (a leading "+" indicates that it
should append to the file, otherwise it will create a new file).
Each additional parameter is one line to be written to the file. Surrounding
a parameter with quotes will allow it to contain multiple words.
# Perl script to replace the functionality of WRITE
# Written: 2010-06-20
# By: Rob Ewan
# Usage:
# write.pl fileName "line1" "line2" ...
# If the fileName begins with "+", the output will be appended
# First parameter is the file name
$filename = $ARGV[0];
$fileOpen = 0;
# Open the output file (for write, or for append)
if ($filename =~ /^\+/) {
$filename =~ s/^\+//;
if (open(OUTFILE, ">> $filename")) {
$fileOpen = 1;
} else {
if (open(OUTFILE, "> $filename")) {
$fileOpen = 1;
# If the open worked,
if ($fileOpen) {
# Write each additional parameter on a separate line
for ($i = 1; $i < @ARGV; $i++) {
print OUTFILE "$ARGV[$i]\n";
} else {
print "Could not open file.\n"
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